What is Lettering
Understanding the Definition of Script according to Raymond A; Ballinger in the book Lettering Art In Modern Use says: ...... Letter as expressing sounds rather than things .1
So letters or characters are basically to symbolize sound. So that when put together they can form words; sentence; alenia and others; 2.
History The history of the formation of letters so that they are shaped like the ones we use today, has actually gone through a process of formation over the past centuries along with the emergence of human civilization. ,..... There are many tneories about the beginning of our letter with_doubtless, large elements of" truth in all of them. Gave man, the Egyptians, “the Phoenicians1_the ancient Greeks and the Romans, all éxerted an influence upon the beginning of 0ur alphabeth.2
There are several theories about the origin of the script, which are believed to be supported by strong evidence that underlies the facts- that reality- the Cave People, the Egyptians, the Phu people- the nisia, the ancient Greeks and the Romans, who all of them have contributed to influencing the origin of the alphabet (script)). At first the ancients made a certain message to each other or record/remember something by * draw it.
Evidence regarding the habits of the ancients This ba until now can still be seen, namely' on Atlaming cave in Spain, Ias Caux cave, De Gaume in France, and Ieang-leang cave in South Sulawesi, Indonesia. The habit of hanging on the walls of the cave is even still practiced today by Aboriginal people Australia.
To deliver messages quickly and more a lot, the line is inadequate, then some nation that lived in later ages began engineer a more perfect form of the symbol. Nation The ancient Egyptians invented the Hierüglip script in the form of pictorial signs imitating natural forms, such as humans, animals and everyday equipment. Hieroglyph comes from the words "Hiero" (sacred} and "Gliphe" (cave).3
The Egyptians then made contact with the nation Phoenicians who are a nation of merchants. Phoenician absorb the writings of the Hesirians at the same time find phonetic characters or sound characters. .. The key times in the alphabet are the discoverers of the the idea of discovering the sounds and symbols of the alphabet that were express in one painting at a time.
This discovery with of the Phoenician nation which is the influence of the development of an from the hesir character.4 As a nation of merchants, the Phoenicians were many trade with the nations around the Mediterranean, including the Greeks. The Greeks absorbed Phoenician ruf also invented basic script. ......
In the 3rd century SE there appeared large letters in writing. handwritten in Greek.5 From the Greek script, the Romans developed it Thus, the Latin script was created. ...... Roman script only took over from script - Greek script or ancient Greek.6 ...,,.
The Early Greek Alphabeth represents the goth of the symbol in relation of the cultural growth of people. These letters, produced with stylus in a wax, did not develop a thick and thin characteristicsìc of later Roman form,
The Greek inscription of the 4th century is quiete suggestive of early contemporary form} namely, Iatter form commonly called the "Modern Gothic" and typefaces such as futura and Standart;7 From the Roman/Latin script people developed modern characters such as modern Gothic, futura, Stan darts and others that are not glued by the bold style thin as Roman script, but is a blocks like ancient Greek writing. Character Form Starting from the Latin script Rome Latin script in subsequent periods developed into various character form cam.
The various forms of the characters menu- rut J.I. Bleigeisen, in The ABC of Lettering divided into three categories:
- Gothic Or Black
- Roman
- Italic and Serif
1. Gothic Or Black: is an Alphabet whose and elementa- ry part compored or even widt strokes; it is One thickness letter.
2. Roman : An alphabeth whose elementary part are com pored of fìne and accented stroke it s a thick and thn latter.
3- Text : An calligraphic Alphabeth whose.elementary part are composed at_Strokes of.various widt it retains a pen drawn quality, and ornate;
While Donald Anderson classifies Letter in 10
1. Old style Roman Old style Roman ItaIic
2. Modern Roman Modern Roman Italic
5. Sans serif San serif oblique
6. Clarendon Clarendon Italic
5. Gothic Gothic Oblique
6. Squere serif
7. Formal Script
8. Information
8. Informal Script 9
. Calligraphic Styles
10. Miscelâeneous 12
Examples of characters on Marketplace:
Gothic: Itc Serif Gothic
Romance: Times New Roman
Text: ITC Isadora
Meanwhile, Bonny Sumantri and Djoni Jauhari classify characters into four categories, namely: Types of characters using serif _ characters like this on a certain toe the characters use feet or but serif. Serif-free characters the letter at the end of the end of the battery is tantu- ruf doesn't use foot or serif but the ends of the characters are made with please list and be exact. Decorated typeface embellished characters or ornaments-or- namen is decorative. Type of writing or "script" characters similar to ieng nuruf which are write by hand using a pencil na, brush or sharp pencil, this writing is skew to the right.n.13
According to the book Typeface Section from Graphic Studio characters are classified in five groups as the following ga:
San Serif
decorative -
So based on the information above, characters can be classified as follows: serif characters serif-free characters script characters handwritten characters decorative characters calligraphic characters Character Style In addition to being classified in the form of letters, characters are divide again in the style of the character, That is, stylized letters * upright and italic or "italic'" ' The style of the upright character is stable and solidøh while the italic style has a dynamic effect move and look agile. Examples of upright and inclined forces in Comparison' 5.
Character are visible traits on character appearance. A character is sometimes added Mr. dashing also has characters that look weak and so on. how.
a) The Lady group, whose nature is close to the nature of women, namely with the characteristics of being slender and beautiful.
b) The Warrior group, approaching the nature of manly or chivalrous.
c. ) Strong group or show great strength the nature is close to axle or giant, The less one has the following characteristics: dashing, strong and mighty.16'
Fine groups are usually found in: characters the character "light"; the character of the warrior class in the character "medium": while the strong group is in hguruf-bold, 17
1 . Raymond A. Ballinger, Letterin in Modern Usa~ :Van Nostrand Reindhold Companny» 1965), p. 15 ,
3'. J.B. Suebarkah. Diktat Introduction to lettering, 1984, p. 6 2 'Ibid., p. 10.
4. Ibid p. 10-
5. Ibid p. 12- 5.
Ibid p. 12.
7. Raymond A. Ballinger. Op. cit. Thing. 15
9. J I Bleigeisen. ing A B C of L lettering (New York, Hepsåeg & Row Pubishers, 1965, p. 102
10. Ibid p. 102'
11.Donald Anderson The Art Of Writting Form¬Montreal , Hold, Reinhardand Winston, Inch} ., p. 243
12. Graphic Studio, Typeface Section. Thing. 9
13. Bonny Sunantri & Djoni Jauhari, Roman Alphabet in Theory and Practice, Bandung, Bandung Institute of Technology, 1977, p. 2
14.Graphic Studio, Typeface Section hi 9
l5. Ibid;
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